Getting there


Directions from Munich Airport: Take S-Bahn lines S1 or S8 to Marienplatz; about 30 minutes


Directions from Munich Central Station: Catch any S-Bahn line to Marienplatz; about 5 minutes

Marienplatz S-Bahn station to BCM

About a 350m walk from Marienplatz: From the exit at Kaufinger Straße, go along Rosenstraße and then into Sendlinger Straße; about 3 minutes

S-Bahn timetables

Follow this link to take you directly to the MVV website, where you can search the public transport timetables

Other stops near Sendlinger Straße

St.-Jakobs-Platz, about 150m away
  • Bus line 62

Sendlinger Tor, about 500m away
  • Subway lines U1, U2, U3, U6, U7
  • Tram lines 27, 28
  • Bus lines 62, 117
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