Office service

Our knowledgeable and friendly staff for our comprehensive office service will be at your disposal every day.

Some of the services that can be tailored to your needs include handling your correspondence, paperwork, receiving and forwarding your mail, making appointments, and taking care of phone calls.

In addition, we are happy to:
  • Meet and greet your guests
  • Run errands
  • Organize events
  • Arrange catering
  • Make hotel reservations
  • Make travel bookings

Phone service

  • Modern telephone system with your own phone number
  • Call answering with your company name
  • Forwarding of incoming calls to external lines
  • Receiving and forwarding messages
  • Phone calls on your behalf (as agreed)

Post service

  • Incoming mail
  • Processing, handling, forwarding (according to instructions)
  • Outgoing mail (according to instructions)

Email and fax service

  • For the transfer of business documents such as writings, graphics or contracts
  • Acceptance and forwarding of received emails and faxes (as instructed)
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